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As part of a global brand campaign to highlight the messaging app’s privacy features, we worked closely with the WhatsApp brand and creative teams to develop a unique 3D Digital OOH activation in London’s Piccadilly Circus. WhatsApp is the first social network to be featured on the full motion digital 8,500 square foot billboard.

The ad features what appears to be the facade of a building seamlessly integrated with the physical architecture of the actual building, with disappearing walls and closing windows, as well as a giant locking mechanism made of impenetrable steel, giving a visual demonstration of the brand's layers of protection such as disappearing messages, end-to-end encryption and encrypted backups. Following the introduction of these new features on WhatsApp, the ad shows how WhatsApp’s features provide interlocking layers of protection and give users full control over the level of privacy they are seeking.

Piccadilly Animation
Case Study Film

While the WhatsApp 3D Billboard represents the latest and some of the best work we’ve done for Meta, we’ve had a strong partnership with the brand since 2018. In that time we’ve worked on numerous projects for Facebook, Messenger, WhatsApp, Portal and other teams.

Sample screen animations

Metaverse experience